We’re Wired For Community

Interdependence Not Independence One of the secrets for a satisfying life and a high performing work team is not independence, nor is it over-dependence on others, it is interdependence. The software of our souls is coded with a need to connect with others and experience genuine community, not just in our personal lives, but in our work lives, too. People are wired for community. We’re made this way; it's in our DNA. Of course, it was the Industrial Revolution that helped turn workers into cogs without soul. But Management 2.0 is changing that forever. A new movement is brewing. People crave [...]

The Discipline of Unlearning

The Discipline of Unlearning Unlearning is one of the most under-utilized approaches to learning. We often picture learning as adding to what we already have. For example, we have a certain level of knowledge or proficiency about something. So, to learn is to increase. Many people think of learning as something like the image of opening up the top of a person’s head and pouring more knowl­edge into it. But that’s not always true. Sometimes we get more traction in our learning by knowing what to unlearn. Fruitfulness Is In Pruning, Not Adding Picture a logjam in a river. When it’s [...]

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