Leadership and Management Training Workshops2022-11-23T17:02:28+00:00

Leadership and Management Training Workshops

Executive Education. Talent Acceleration. Leadership Training.

When Leaders and Managers Get Better, Everyone Wins.

We help leaders, managers, directors and high-potentials discover and leverage their strengths, boost their emotional intelligence, refine their communication styles and strategies, assess accurately their development opportunities, and relationally connect stronger with their teammates and colleagues.  When these elements begin to fire anew, trust is multiplied, performance accelerates, workforce engagement increases, groups of employees are galvanized into high-performing teams, and healthy team cultures fuel renewed momentum and synergy that empower and organization to achieve exceptional business outcomes.

Management and Leadership Team Learning

Ongoing development in leaders is a wise investment for the future of any team and company. We offer management and leadership team-based training experiences that are half-day and full-day team events. Listed below are the management and leadership team trainings. Click the links for more information.

Developing Trusted Servant Leaders™ – A New Kind of Leader For a New Kind of World
Developing Trusted Servant Leaders team training provides participants practical and proven insights into how to use influence instead of title or status to inspire others, cultivate trust, build deeper connections with others, increase workforce engagement, turn work groups into high-performing teams, and build a emotionally healthy culture where people flourish and grow, all while achieve exceptional business results. Participants learn what Servant Leadership is, why it works and how it creates competitive advantage in your organization. Team training workshop offered in both half-day and full-day modules. Includes assessments, break-outs, leadership conversations.


Leading Strategic Change, Innovation and Transformation™ – The 10 Elements of Leading Successful Change
Leading and managing strategic change is the ongoing work of every leader and manager in a company, not just the senior executives. Managers in an organization need to know how to contribute in the work of strategic thinking, strategic planning and strategic action. Using strategic maps and visual frameworks assist strategic managers and leaders to better understand and shape the future of their organization. This team training guides participants in using a visual strategic framework in how to create custom organizational foresight that generates insight that shapes strategic action for their organization in the future. Team training workshop offered in a full-day module. Includes break-out sessions and strategic mapping activities of participants current and future change initiatives or business future.


Leadership Essentials: The Work of Leaders™ Crafting A Vision. Building Alignment. Championing Execution.
Leadership Essentials: The Work of Leaders is a team learning experience for a group. Facilitated in a classroom-like format, this workshop begins with an online assessment followed by engaging facilitation. It concludes with participants creating of a personalized action plan. Leaders gain a deeper understanding their own leadership behaviors and how those behaviors impact their effectiveness. The workshop examines the defining elements associated with crafting a vision—exploration, boldness, testing assumptions; the drivers around building team alignment—clarity, dialogue, inspiration; and championing strategic execution—momentum, structure, feedback loops. Participants discover the strengths and development areas they posses in these areas of leadership. Work of Leaders is a full-day learning module.


Executive Decision MakingMaking Effective Decisions That Produce Better Outcomes.
Effective decision-making is the most important job of an executive, and one easy to get wrong. Organizations live and die on the decisions of their leaders. This executive leadership and management development module aids senior leaders, managers, directors, department heads and HIPO employees in how to make more effective decisions that produce better outcomes for them and their organizations. Executive Decision Making team training provides tools to solve complex problems and anticipate biases that get in the way of good decisions. Executive Decision Making is a full-day learning module for a group of managers.


Managing For Business EffectivenessBuilding More Productive and Effective Working Relationships.
Skilled managers need to build solid, one-to-one relationships to be effective. This one-day class offers a talent development solution proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role–whether managing direct reports, or the relationship with their own manager or part of a management team. Participants learn about their strengths and challenges as managers and how to adapt to meet the needs of the people they manage by understanding the styles of the people they manage and adapting their styles to manage more effectively as managers. Participants learn how their management style influences how they manage time, delegate work, make decisions, approach problems, and what they need to do to adapt to the styles of others to bring out the best in each and every associate on their team. Training based off of the DISC model for managers.


High-Performance ManagersThe Techniques of the World’s Best Managers.
Nothing impacts your employees’ engagement more than their manager. Research shows that managers can account for at least 70% of their employees’ engagement. And employee engagement ties directly to workgroup profitability, productivity, and retention. Improving your organization’s performance depends on having the best managers possible. This engaging workshop is a full-day team training experience that will provide hands-on application in how to develop practical strategies that world-class managers employ. Focus is on boosting employee engagement, accelerating productivity and increasing profitability.


360 Leadership Development A Positive, Strengths-Based, Action-Oriented Tool & Program.
Many leadership 360 feedback reviews are focused only on fixing gaps and negative performance. But The Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders is a new kind of leadership 360 feedback tool that is positive, strengths-based and action oriented. It combines the best of 360s with the simplicity and power of DISC assessment tool, plus three personalized strategies for improving leadership effectiveness. Save time and reduce stress with CommentSmart, our innovative selectable comments feature that allows raters to choose from highly–tested, behavior–focused comments to give more richness, context, and depth to their feedback—without the potential for snide remarks. The result is a 360° experience that’s more productive and satisfying.